Client Intake Form Your name Your email Phone Number Which is the best way to contact you? PhoneTextEmailDoes not matterOther Company Information Company Name Company Website Company Address Please briefly explain what your company does (optional) Starting Date of your company Your Job title Number of employees including you Type of company S-CorpC-CorpLLCSole-PropOther File Federal taxes On a Cash BasisAccrual Your CPA and the firm they are with Accounting information and Needs Accounting Software you use Payroll Software or Service Provider Number of Check/Debittransactions you have each month Which ones do you enter? BillsChecksPaymentsInvoicesOther Do you pay 1099 vendors? YesNo Approximately, how many invoices do you generate each month? Please Select the ones that are appropriate to you: Accepting Credit CardsCollecting Sales TaxTracking Inventory in Quickbooks or other softwareTracking Project/Job CostingOther Number of bank accounts you have Number of credit cards you have Do you have any experience working with a bookkeeping service before? YesNo Please select the services you want us to provide: Client BillingFinancial StatementsYear End Tax PackageMonthly Account ReconciliationBudgeting/ForecastingTransaction EntryPayrollBusiness ConsultingContract ManagementCash Flow ReportingBill PayOther Please give details about the services you want from us Additional information we should know Δ