Are you ready for your CPA?

Tax planning season is coming up very soon. It’s critical for you to sit down with a competent CPA and review your business’s numbers for tax planning purposes. You don’t want to get hit with surprises when you file your taxes next year. However, are your numbers in good shape so your CPA can review them? If you’ve been managing your own bookkeeping, your financial reports may not be accurate and reliable enough for a CPA to do their job. It’s easy enough to get started with Quickbooks or FreshBooks, but keeping your books updated and accurate is the real challenge. There’s so much more than just entering transactions!
Beachwood Financial Solutions can help ensure that all of the financial details of your company are up-to date and accurate, saving you time & money while allowing you to focus on running your business instead of worrying about how it looks on paper! If there’s one thing we’ve learned from years of doing this work, it’s that having an expert helping out makes all the difference when it comes to getting things done right. And CPA’s usually don’t focus on bookkeeping and if they do work on getting your books in good shape, they’ll charge you more than what an experienced bookkeeper would charge. Save time and money, contact us today for a free consultation!